- Philemon Arthur and the Dung CD booklet
- Turid review
- Bo Hansson CD Booklet
- Hedningarna read more
- Handgjort CD Booklet
- The Bo Hansson Story
- Harvester CD booklet
- Per Cussion CD booklet
- International Harvester CD Booklet
- Kebnekaise CD booklet Resa mot okänt mål
- Kebnekajse CD booklet II
- Kebnekajse CD booklet III
- Garden of the Elks CD booklet
- Älgarnas Trädgård/Garden of the elks
Contact us
Silence Records
Näved, 670 41 Koppom
Phone: +46 571 150 50
E-mail: nikolaj(at)
VAT: SE556137004901