Ulf Stureson

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Ulf Stureson started his musical carrier as bass player and composer in Traste Lindéns Kvintett, a band that were considered as one of the wildest live acts in Sweden at the time.

But one day he had enough, he said goodbye to the band and went up north to an isolated cottage. He had tragically lost to siblings in just a couple of years when his own life was really hectic. Time catches up and now was a time for mourning and he started to write songs as a kind of therapy.

The result came out as the masterpiece “I Overkligheten” (In Unreallity) a record so strong and so beautiful that even after 17 years it was selected as one of the 100 best records in Sweden – ever, when music magazine Sonic had a voting 2013.

Ulf has continued to write music with beautiful melodies and strong lyrics about life presented with a fragile voice.