Gud Hjälpe (Vinyl 12″)

SKU: SRS 4716. Category: .

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This is Swedish folkrockat its best! This band was one of the most popular livebands in the early nineties and a couple of years after.
Their shows are legendary and they played until their fingers were bleeding. The lyrics are something in their own class, if you know Swedish…

01. Goda vänner
02. Välkommen
03. Lycklig man
04. När solen har gått ner
05. En gång till
06. På biograf
07. Tåget går
08. Kulorna ska rulla
09. Hälfen vore nog
10. Jag säger ingenting
11. Stans vaktparad
12. Vaggvisa för fullvuxna

Released 1992