
Hedningarna to Scotland

If your in Aberdeen or nearby – don’t miss the chance to listen to Hedningarna live! They are playing at Aberdeen Music Hall April 13th.

Lars Hollmer’s XII Sibirian Bicycles for streaming and download

At last you can listen to this genius of a musician Lars Hollmer and his first solo album – XII Sibirian Bicycles (XII Sibiriska Cyklar), first released in 1981. The harmonica is in the center and of course the lingering… Read more

Like us on Facebook

At last we are on Facebook! If you like us there you will get quicker updates about re-releases and other stuff. Btw, on twitter we are “vildiskogen” (wildinthewoods)

Welcome to our new site

Hi! This was about time – a new silence site! We’ve had great fun while doing it and we hope you also will get some new acquaintances when you explore all the links, informations and listen buttons. Or you might… Read more

Contact us

Silence Records
Näved, 670 41 Koppom
Phone: +46 571 150 50
E-mail: nikolaj(at)

VAT: SE556137004901

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